As you can probably already tell (if you're a regular reader) my blog has went through a transformation. Thanks to Designbyte (check out his Facebook here) who has kindly offered to help me and created my new blog design.
He's a really helpful and talented man with a lot of ideas who will transform your blog and design everything just
like you want. Therefore if you have any questions, your're sick and tired of your current blog design and you'd
like a change get in touch with Designbyte on Facebook. I'm sure he will be more than happy to help you.
A little bit more about the new functions:
Shop - Here, from time to time you will find some of my items for sale. For example jeans, t-shirts, shirt etc. for a really cheap price. Currently I don't have any items on sale. If I will have anything on sale I will first write a post informing you all about the sale with pictures and prices for the items.
Blogroll - This section is currently under construction and it will be available soon. In blogroll I will include all the blogs that I really like and enjoy reading as well as blog which I believe that need more attention.
Button Swap - Button swap is the chance for all of you to appear on my blog. The purpose of this section is to help other readers find out more blogs and help each other in our bloggers society. It's totally free so if you want your blog to appear in the Button Swap email me: malefashioon@gmail.com
Advertising - In this section, other bloggers and companies can advertise their sites for some, very small payment. All the money received will go towards the growth of my blog / products / equipment to you all so you can enjoy and get the most of my blog.
Hope you're all good and watch out for upcoming and exciting posts :)
Hope you're all good and watch out for upcoming and exciting posts :)
I think it looks absolutely fantastic!
Love it :) In my opinion, it looks real nice and simple.
Gorgeous look, it's really nice and simple
Really love your blogs look... We are looking to redesign ours so may end up using Designbyte - thanks for the recommendation!